Wednesday, June 1, 2011

His Team, His Choice

"Sorry, Papa," my 6 year old son Gabi announced."My team is now Miami Heat!"

And just like that this father's once all powerful influence over his son's preferences was gone. Not too long ago, Gabi would always rely on me when made to make decisions. My opinion clearly mattered in choosing what color of shirt to wear or what team to cheer for.

"You're favorite color is blue, right?" he'd ask and then promptly don a  blue shirt.

"I'm cheering for Spain too!" he always said when we watched the last World Cup.

And I was always right. He really looked good in blue and Spain went on to win the World Cup.

But alas, my omniscience was finally put to the test during this NBA playoffs.

I have always been a Celtics fan. From the days of the original big three, Bird, McHale and Parish. So naturally, when Gabi asked me early this year which team he should support, there was no other choice but Boston. Until they lost in the 2nd round.

"Boston lost. Who do we support now?" Gabi asked.

"The Bulls," I said confidently. "They had the most wins this year and they also have the best player."

And they lost promptly in 6 games. And I lost my credibility as a basketball expert.

Yesterday, while Gabi was shopping for school stuff with his mother, he called me and asked if he could buy a basketball jersey. And he showed me the Lebron James jersey later in the afternoon.

"See, Papa. I've made my choice," he proudly said. "Maybe you too should cheer for them!"

I will. For my son's sake.

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