Friday, November 6, 2009

Sibling Revelry

Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet.

This Vietnamese proverb rings so true for Gabi and Bela.

Three years older, Gabi has always been a loving and protective brother to Bela. He always wants to read her his books. He always wants to be the one to teach her how to walk. He always wants to be at her side.

Sure, there are times Gabi becomes too rough with Bela.There are times naughty Gabi plays practical jokes on her. There are times he doesn't share with Bela and makes her cry.

It's a good thing Bela can dish it too. She's no push over. She too can play rough. And she can also end up making Kuya cry.

But through it all, the highs and the lows, the laughter and the laments, the two remain the best of friends.

And this is what I cherish the most: the noise, the play, the giggles, the cry. The siblings' revelry is truly sweet music.

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