Thursday, October 15, 2009

Water, Water Everywhere

"Why is it still flooded?" my four year old son asked me as we watched the evening news.

"Because too much rain has fallen since two weeks ago," I tried to explain."And the soil can no longer absorb the water and therefore, flooding happens."

"And you know what else the soil cannot drink, Papa?" my son asked. "Do you know what adds to all the flood?"

"Bad garbage!" he explained. "Garbage like plastic bags and plastic spoons. Garbage that the soil cannot use."

"That's why we should always have two garbage cans," he concluded. "One for good garbage like leftover food. And one for bad garbage like plastics."

All this from a four year old. Gabi knows more about today's pressing issues than most of us adults do. Shame on us.
This is my contribution to Blog Action Day 2009: Climate Change.

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