Gabi is now officially potty-trained! Woohoo! (I'm already counting the savings on them damn diapers!)
And I witnessed it myself early this morning.
Gabi and I have a daily routine. I get up at around 5 every morning. I go down to the dining room and sit down on my favorite chair on the dining table cabezera.
Say my prayers. Check my blood sugar. Inject insulin and take my medications. Write my blog (if I have anything new to say). Update Gabi's multiply. Check my e-mail. And sigh, begin to work.
Gabi, almost always, at 5 minutes before 7, wakes up and calls for me from his third floor room.
(Yes, to Patty's horror, Gabi is slowly becoming a mini Me. He too is slowly becoming a creature of habit. And OC too! Not because I force him, mind you. It's HIS choice. So there!)
I bring Gabi down and he takes his favorite chair also on the head of his small table. Gabi and I spend the next thirty minutes talking about anything and everything under the sun. Today it was about school and how excited he was to see his favorite teacher Mia and his classmates again.
Suddenly he stands up, grabs my hand and leads me to the powder room, proudly saying "I'm going to make poo poo, Papa!"
And he did! All by himself. (Okay, I helped him up the seat and wiped him clean after the deed.)
Patty did mention to me yesterday that Gabi has indeed learned to relieve himself. But this was the first time I witnessed it myself.
Made me cry. (To the puzzled look of Gabi who probably thought, as he is wont to do, that Papa is being weird again.)
I wonder if this will now form part of our routine. Hmmm. Must put that down on my schedule.
Congratulations Gabi! Congratulations Papa Robbi and Mommy Patty for teaching Gabi. Love your photo, you can be so charming even when you're on a "throne"
Thank you, anonymous, for your comment.
We started to teach Gabi how to go on his own immediately after his 2nd birthday last May. We never forced him nor pressured him. Just told him that he had the option to relieve himself in the bathroom instead of his Huggies.
It was the news of Patty's pregnancy and his soon becoming a kuya that I guess made him realize that he had to grow up a little faster.
A few days ago, after another successful trip to the loo, Gabi proudly proclaimed: "I will teach the baby how to make poo poo in the bathroom, papa!"
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