We spotted hermit crabs crawling hurriedly on the beach one morning.
"Look, papa!" the little one exclaimed. "Small crabs!"
"They're called hermit crabs, Bela. Let's take one home," her older brother suggested.
"Sorry guys but we can't," kill joy papa intervened. "We shouldn't harm animals."
"But we're not going to harm it," Gabi pleaded. "We will take care of it."
"Yes, papa. It will be our pet." Bela echoed.
"But most animals are not meant to be pets," I tried to explain. "We actually harm animals once we remove them from their habitat."
"What's habitat?" the little one asked.
"Habitat is where the animal lives." I answered authoritatively.
"Then there's no problem!" Gabi pronounced after some thought. "We can take a hermit crab with us, Papa... Because a hermit crab always carries its home on its back!"